Our Mission

2Rapitenques Around The World is the project through which we want to acomplish our dream of traveling around the world. Our purpose is to discover other cultures and bring them closer to our town. Our philosophy is to learn from everything that we will find and at the same time share our idiosyncrasy. We strongly believe that we need to be open minded, tolerant and supportive to reach our objective. (Vane i Eva)

martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Nepal has been proclaimed Federal Democratic Republic

After our trip trough India, we crossed to Nepal by land on the 28/05/2008; just the day that the country was stated Federal Democratic Republic.
Being witnesses of this fact made us to be eager to learn about the political history of this small Asiatic country. As we could read in the national newspaper, “The Himalayan Times”, a new hope was born after nearly 240 years of monarchy. Long life to the Republic!
Due to the dissatisfaction with this monarchy, a new underground band was born in the hills of Nepal. They were known as the Maoists.
From this started a bloody war (where more than 12,000 people have been killed) between the terrorist band and the State of Nepal.
Due to the rural poverty, the nonconformity against the caste system, the problems with the land reform and the self-interested govern, Maoists founded the Communist Party of Nepal in 1995.
The last fact that gave more credibility to the Maoists was the assassination in 2001 of 10 members of the real family. Even though there are several theories about this massacre, the locals blame the brother of the king assassinated. After the death of the king, he took charge of the monarchy with no interest to improve the country and increasing the corruption of the current government.
On the last national elections, Maoists got the majority of the votes, but not the absolute majority. Therefore, they will have to deal with the other political parties in order to govern the country.
Eventually, all the political parties of Nepal gathered in a meeting to change the current situation. Out of 564 members, just 4 voted in favor of the monarchy, fact that proclaimed the country as Federal Democratic Republic.
Today negotiations between Maoists and the rest of the parties are still running in order to create the basis of a new govern.

On the streets the popular feelings are happiness and hope, asking for a government that assures peace, development, equality and freedom.
A national festivity were the people from Nepal are enjoying, all, old and young people, as even the schools are on holidays for a few days!!
The words of our friend Kaji (a 33 years old guy from Nepal who lives with his family in Pokhara) are the reflection of a national feeling:
“There have been rough years of poverty and disagreement politic where lots of people have died. We are happy with this change because we believe that it will open the doors towards a reform of the country and it will allow that our families enjoy an encouraging future”.

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