The best thing was when the bus driver asked all of us to get off the bus. So, there we were, in the middle of the road …. The bus driver starting the bus and going forward and all the passengers walking after the bus… it looked like a procession!! Very funny!! After all the smoke coming up from the engine we thought that we were going to sleep there that night.. but eventually the bus driver managed to fix it and we arrived to Dalat.

Dalat is a small city on the south of Vietnam and located near the mountains. The thing is that when we arrived there is was raining a lot. The rain didn’t stop in the whole evening and the next day. Therefore, we decided to continue our trip and take a bus to Saigon.
When we arrived to the bus station …. We bought the tickets to Saigon.. and what was our surprise when we noticed that the bus that was going to bring us to Saigon was the same one as brought us to Dalat!!!! Nightmare!!!! However, they must had fixed it as this time we didn’t have to walk after the bus
Saigon (also called Ho Chi Min city) was Vietnam’s capital before Hanoi. This city played a very important role during the reunification of the north and south of the country.
Travelers told us that this city was very chaotic but… maybe because lots of locals are on summer vacation…. We found the city less stressful that many other places in Vietnam. Of course there are millions of mopeds… but we don’t want to imagine how many there are during peak season/ times!

In Saigon we have visited the Reunification Palace. Surprisingly, this palace it’s maintained exaclty as it was the day that Saigon surrendered (30 April 1975) to join along with northern Vietnam.

We have also visited markets, temples and the museum of the “War Remnants” ( remains from the war against the Americans). To be honest, this museum is a bit gloomy. There are remains from the victims of the war (such as clothes or tools) as well as photos of malformation that the war left. There are also a couple of malformed foetus within a bottle… a bit too much for us!
We have been walking around Saigon’s streets and enjoying its pleasant people.
We have also tried the sugar cane juice!! Yummy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It is very popular in Vietnam… they place the sugar canes in a special device to get the juices out. It tastes as lemonade but a bit sweeter… Delicious!

Our next destiny is the Mekong Delta and from there we will cross to Cambodia. The days in Vietnam are numbered!

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