Following the instrucions of Paddy, the two nymphs and Frodo continued their mission.
Their first goal was to find snow from a glaciar. A glaciar from the South Island of New Zealand where the snow was the purest and whitest of the whole country.
But, which one is this glaciar- they wondered.
Wizard Paddy: - " This country is full of surprises. You will find beautiful valleys, huge lakes, deep and dark forests, amazing mountains, big glaciars, fiords, rivers... Keep an eye! Make sure you don't lose your course!
The two nymphs were eagerly trying to memorise every word that the wizard was reciting.

Paddy: -" I'll give you a clue: the glaciar that you need to find is located close to the enchanted town of Wanaka and the purity of its snow shines in the valley. Tomorrow morning a boat will bring us to the fiords of Milford Sound and from there we will leave towards Wanaka. Now go to rest. Tomorrow will be a long day."
And so they did. The next morning, the 4 little characters left to Fiorland, Milford Sound.

The beauty of Milford Sound and its surroundings made that Frodo and the nymphs, for a few hours, forgot the tough task that they came to execute and they let themselves go through that marvelous landscape.

From there they continued towards Wanaka. This little enchanted town is surrounded by mountains and by a huge lake, the lake of Wanaka.
This region is the gateway to access to Mount Aspiring National park.
Paddy the wizard stared at them and said: " Around this region you will find the snow that you are looking for. I have to leave now. I have to fulfill another important job. I wish you all the best."
And as soon as he pronounced these words he rised his arm and he evaporated...
The precious wizard disappeared in a few seconds without leaving any track...
The two nymphs and Frodo started to walk unsure of where to go. Paddy's absence let them empty.... now... how will they know where to go? Who will protect them?
Hours and hours walking without any course. Suddenly, a happy and smily gnome came out from behind a tree...

Gnome:- " I heard that you are coming from a remote land to save your land from the dryness."
Frodo and the nymphs, happily amazed by the knowledge of the gnome exclaimed:
Yes!!! That's us!!! And we are looking for a glaciar where the snow is pure and white, the purest and whitest of the country!
Gnome: - "Ah!!! Don't worry! I can help you."
There and then the gnome drew a map to the glaciar in the backside of the silver fern.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you very much!!- exclaimed the 3 creatures very excited.
And so they did... they continued walking following the itinerary that the gnome drew for them.

They walked and walked until reaching the Diamond lake.

They continued through green fields that covered the elevated sorrounding mountains until reaching the peak.

But they couldn't find any glaciar... where is the snow here?- they ask each other. There is no glaciar here!
They realised straight away... the gnome played a dirty trick on them!!! That wasn't the right way! He cheated on them!
The nymphs fall down dejected....

They couldn't believe what was happening... Who is this evil gnome?- they were wondering.
Suddenly, a white and dense cloud catched them...

From the peak of that mountain they were shipped to the Puzzling World...

The departure of the nymphs from their land reached Margallo warlock and this one, very angry with the news, sent his assistant. This, the little gnome, was sent to hold up their mission. The astuteness of the gnome and the concern of the nymphs to find that snow made them easily fall into the trap.
But... what's that??- the nymphs exclaimed. Why am I becoming a giant and you a gnom? What's going on here? Where are we?

Frodo was loosing stability while he was trying to run to help the nymphs...

Frodo: -" Run little fairies!!! Let's get out of here! If we stay any longer we will lose the concious of the reality! This is a deed of Margallo the warlock!!
And running very fast they left that world... that world of hallucinations that consumed their mind temporarily. In fact, they weren't in the real world until a few hours later. When they opened their eyes, they were back in Wanaka.
They were again at the beginning of the proof...
Frodo: -" Do not become discouraged. This is part of the mission too. Tomorrow morning we will get up early and we will start again!".

Those words cheered the nymphs up. The next morning, they started to walk again... walking and walking... they walked for days around the enchanted town. One morning, walking around one of the forests of Rob Roy valley, Frodo saw some lights among the green trees ... What's that light? Can you see it?- Frodo exclaimed.
The nymphs got closer to it to check it out... They are white fairies!!!!!!!! - they both shouted very cheerful. They are our salvation!!
Nymphs: - " Good morning white fairies. WE don't want to scare you. We are white fairis too.. from very far away. We came to fulfill an important mission. We are looking for a glaciar around here where the snow is pure and white."

White fairies: -" You are actually very close to it. The glaciar that you are looking for is the Rob Roy glaciar. If you follow that path you will soon arrive to its valley. Follow us, we will show you the way!".

And like this Frodo , the nymphs and the two fairies arrived to this magnificent corner of the world where the reflection of the sun is unique.

Nymphs: - " We made it!!!!"
The happiness of finding that glaciar made them forget about the long days of walking...

They went quickly to get a handful of its snow and they kept it in their magic bag to avoid it melting
We have it now! - they happily shouted.

And with happy songs and smiles they left the glaciar. The farewell with the white fairies was short and sweet... as two angels, the little fairies flew to disappear into the wilderness .... never to be seen again.

It will continue...