Note: This story makes reference to our stay in Queenstown. We were a few days in this little and charming city located in the Otago region. We did a couple of treks and we went to the highest point where you can have amazing views of the Wakatipu lake. A wonderful landscape where the nature is the main character and the dices of the wizard Paddy will reveal the secret....

A foggy morning woke up in Queenstown.... the proff wasn't gonna be easy... the two nymphs were excited to meet Paddy...

Their appointment with the wise wizard was set in one of the highest mountains of the area.
The walk was long and plenty of steep slopes...

The nymphs were walking... and walking... they could just see the snow capped mountains in the horizon...

Frodo was going with them, making sure that they were ready for the situation that was waiting for them.

During the long and steep way up to reach the peak the two nymphs were listening at Frodo's advices. The wizard had a pair of dices that they will need to throw in order to discover the secret...but what exactly they had to do?
The intrigue was overcoming their minds...

...and.. eventually... the reached the final slope... and then the peak where the wizard was waiting for them.
The two nymphs, very happy and excited for that moment, couldn't wait to know the instruction to follow.

Queenstown's mountains were witnesses of that meeting...

Paddy and the nymphs were getting ready for the big moment...

Firstly, Paddy had to common the Gods of the Mother nature. To do so, the funny wizard started to perform a magic and very strange spell...

The nymphs, petrified, were looking at the strange acts of the wise wizard... what is he doing? Are you sure this is going to work?- they wondered.

And after the performance he shouted:
Paddy - " The moment has arrived!!! The powers of the Mother Earth has asked me to gather the souls of the nature!!! You, nymphs of the river need to help me. Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Miaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (1- 2)
And they all gather in a circle and start to shout with all their strenght..Mia!! Mia!!!

Paddy made a thank gesture looking at the sky... the mother earth had listened them.
It was time now to throw the dices. This magic dices were own by the wizard.. he was carrying them everywhere he went... but how do they work?
In order to get the secret direction they had to get an even number... that would mean that the nymphs were ready for the next task.

The nymphs, very nervious about the pressure, throwed the dices....ummmmmmmmmmm ... Six!!! They got it!!! The doors of the forces of the nature were now open and the secret directions could then be revealed.
The wizard headed to the nymphs and said:

Paddy- " These are the directions that you would have to follow. Listen carefully. Your shrewdness will save your kingdom from the biggest dryness ever.Make sure you fully understand them. "
And he continue ....
- "You will have to gather a few elements from the Maori land to combine them in a sacred place.
The first thing is to catch some snow from a NZ's glaciar. Once you have that you will need to submerge this snow in the deep water of a magic lake... the lake Pukaki.
And the third and last proof is to call the Prince and the Princess of your land. They will have to travel to New Zealand and accord their honors to the Maori's Gods to thank them for saving their kingdom."
The nymphs looked at each other with excitement and confusion.
The task wasn't easy and they didn't have much time.
Will they achieve the difficult proofs?
It will continue....
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