Note: Paddys are how the Irish are known worldwide. It comes from its patron saint, Saint Patrick. Dublin was our house for a while and we made lots of good friends there. Some of them have been travelling with us... James, Frodo the hobbit and Brian, the Wizard Paddy. We wanted to symbolize the wizard Paddy as a leprechaun as he will be the one who wil give us the secret of the eternal water. We want to thank Brian for his visit and for all the nice moments that we shared.
And the tale continues....
Along the bank of the lake Wakatipu the city of Queenstown rests. Its mountains and green valleys make that its people live with full fresh air and serenity... this is a perfect hideout...

Frodo and the 2 nymphs continued their travel... now, they had to find the hideout of the powerful wizard Paddy. They knew Queenstown was the region that they could find him.. but where?

The two nymphs listened carefully to Frodo's words:

-" In this land surrounded by water lives Paddy the wizard. He is a Celtic spirit who lives in the gardens around the lake of Queenstown. He was choosen by the Maoris to be the guardian of the sacred waters of this land. For more than 2 million years he has been fighting against the powers of the evil and he has preserved New Zealand from the curses of the diabolic warlocks that wished to destroy it. Paddy will be the one who will help us to guess the path to follow and to break the curse of the dryness which affects your land."

The two nymphs looked around contemplating the amazing landscape and they shivered... they were actually very close to the proof that will bring them to discover the secret of the eternal water.... their target was to find Paddy.

Like if it was a miracle.... reflected in the water of the lake.. there he was...
Paddy!!!! his reflection was watching them! But how to find him?

The sunset was coming and the three little creatures, tired from the trip, decided to go to rest.
A new day in the city of Queenstown... the two nymphs of the river opened their eyes with the magic perfume of the white roses around.... a hard task was coming.. finding Paddy!

They heard that in the town there was a place with magic carriages, flying bicycles. They could take them and go to explore the surroundings of Wakatipu lake and therefore, find Paddy's hideout.

Frodo decided to go with them... he would act as a middle man between the nymphs and the wise wizard.
So, they all took the flying bycicles... and flyyyyyyyyyyyy!!

...flying above the area was an easier method to find the hideout...

They start to fly and fly with the magic carriage.... with a mere wink they were controlling its course. one wink... and the bike was going to the right... Twice if they wanted to go left... rubbing their noses if they wanted to land and rubbing their eairs to take off again...
Following those instructions they flew over all Queenstown...

It was a hard task... the wind was strong and if the two nymphs fell in the deep and blue water of the lake their wings could get wet and stop flying forever!
They were flying around the Remarkables (mountains around the lake Wakatipu)... they were flying and flying but wondering where Paddy's hideout could be.

... suddenly, one of the nymphs noticed a strange presence... a funny animal was calling them ...

Animal: - Shuuuuuuuu... shuuuuu.. nymphs of the river!! Here, here... come here, I have a message for you, from Paddy the wizard. He told me to bring you to him!
The two nymphs were looking at each other with a surprising look... what's this animal? What does he want? Is he telling us the truth?- they wondered.

Nymphs: - One second... who are you? Why should we trust you?
... he replied:

- Animal: I am a Kiwi. I am the mascot of New Zealand. I am small and not very common.I have wings but I can't fly. I don't like living in the trees. I am different to the rest of the birds. I am the messenger of the magic forces of the forests. That is where I came from and now I need to bring you there. You need to follow my instructions and you will find Paddy the wizard.
-Nymphs:...aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!! Then you know where Paddy is!!
So excited about the good news they looked at Frodo...

Frodo asserted with his head... he knew that the little animal was trustable.
The two nymphs felt confident then and followed the Kiwi until Paddy's hideout.

What a surprise!!!!! Frodo the Hobbit and Paddy the wizard knew each other 152 years ago!! They were together in a war to save the Maori culture from evil colonizers centuries ago...

The two nymphs, astounded, looked at them... it was obvious that they were testing them... all the effort to find Paddy's hideout was just a warm up. Frodo and Paddy wanted to check if the nymphs had the strenght and tenacity to complete this task.
A wizard, a hobbit and two nymphs... a magic combo ... with lots of energy!

Paddy and Frodo hadn't seen each other for more than 100 years... lots of things happened since last time.. and they talked and talked...

The two nymphs were fascinated about the amazing stories that they were telling each other....

... the two little nymphs let their wings rest in the green mountains... the adventure had to continue soon.... next morning Paddy was meeting them again... he would tell them how to get the secret of the eternal water....

What did the nymphs have to do to protect their land from the dryness??
It will continue....
and here there are de Pictures!!!Have a look guys!!!Enjooooooooooooooooooooy!!!
Vane and Eva
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