Our Mission

2Rapitenques Around The World is the project through which we want to acomplish our dream of traveling around the world. Our purpose is to discover other cultures and bring them closer to our town. Our philosophy is to learn from everything that we will find and at the same time share our idiosyncrasy. We strongly believe that we need to be open minded, tolerant and supportive to reach our objective. (Vane i Eva)

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2008

Delhi- a caothic experience

No matter how much you read, how much people tells you, the ideas that you can make in your mind....Delhi will still shock you.
  • 40-45 degrees of temperature that made us to drink more than 7 bottles of water!
  • Visit to the most significant buildings and monuments of the city being testimony of the efficiency of the supervisors :-)
  • Random chat with a sikh follower and visit its temple
  • Cycle ride with a local cycle rickshaw around the Chandi Chowk market
  • We have seen a criket game played by a few locals in a fountain beside the Indian gate
  • We have taken the New Delhi metro- we were the only foreign people in the whole station!!!!
  • We took a taxi that didn't work by petrol but gas!
  • We have realised of the different castes existent in India.
  • We have been a target of tips, bargain during the whole day.
  • Impressed by Delhi's street lights

All these experiences along with a distinct smell and an orquestra of horns by the desperate drivers looking for a gap in a caothic city.

Visiting New Delhi in May (low season) has lead into an overly obsertation to us. We weren't just the only Spanish in the city but also one of the few tourist that were around the streets. Tomorrow we are taking a bus to the north of India (Kashmir) taking with us lots of patiente for the trip as it will take around 18 hours. We hope the weather is a bit cooler!!

See you soon.

Vane i Eva

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