Our Mission

2Rapitenques Around The World is the project through which we want to acomplish our dream of traveling around the world. Our purpose is to discover other cultures and bring them closer to our town. Our philosophy is to learn from everything that we will find and at the same time share our idiosyncrasy. We strongly believe that we need to be open minded, tolerant and supportive to reach our objective. (Vane i Eva)

viernes, 6 de junio de 2008

Pokhara (Nepal)

After 35 hours of traveling by train, jeep and bus.... we have finally arrived to Nepal (to Pokhara to be more precise)! We have arrived the day that the coutry has been stated a Republic!
Pokhara is the second most significant city in the country after its capital (Kathmandu). It is a city beside a huge lake and surrounded by the Himalaya's mountains.
The lakeside is full of hostels, shops and restaurants focused to travellers.
In this season, mornings are sunny and hot but in the afternoon there are torrential rains for about 2 or 3 hours and then the evening stays cloudless. It is amazing how your are roasting and then it is suddenly hailing! ... everyone starts to run to take refuge.
The natural environment of the area allows to have lots of activities in the nature, from a walk or boat ride through the lake to a trekking through the Anapurna circuit.
We have decided to go for a 6 days trekking around the Himalaya's mountains. See you then!

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