Our Mission

2Rapitenques Around The World is the project through which we want to acomplish our dream of traveling around the world. Our purpose is to discover other cultures and bring them closer to our town. Our philosophy is to learn from everything that we will find and at the same time share our idiosyncrasy. We strongly believe that we need to be open minded, tolerant and supportive to reach our objective. (Vane i Eva)

martes, 10 de junio de 2008

Serachaur: the experience of living with Nepalese a family for 3 days

Our adventure started with an early morning in Kaji’s house for breakfast. Right after, three of us took a bus to Serachaur, a small village in the hills of Nepal, in order to spend 3 days with a Nepalese family.
We arrived to the village around midday and we were introduced to the family. In the house are living the mother, the father, 2 male sons and the wife of one of them (in Nepal, the women when they get married go to live to the husband’s family house).
The tipical Nepalese house is comprised of a simple main room (where they sleep all together) and a porch beside the kitchen.
Most of the houses have a shed where they have goats, buffalos, chickens, hens and, in this case, a very grumpy cock!!! We had to defend ourselves with a stick as he tried to bite us all the time!
According the land that the family own, there are women working on the fields or otherwise, they take care of the housework.

Men are mostly farmers but it is interesting to see that some of them are dressmaking, sewing cloths for their families or selling them. This fact explains that there are some sewing machines in lots of Nepalese houses.
During our staying in Sorachar we visited the school, we played with the local childs, we visited a rice mill and we are even sponsors of a local football team!.
Our visit to the school was a nice surprise to the children. They went mad when they saw us and all of them wanted to show us their classes , the library, etc.We ended up all singing and dancing their and our sons.
In the evening we went to play with them. It was very nice too as we played traditional games .
We also had the chance to see the slaughter of the “dangerous cock” that the family had in the house. It was the side dish of the rice during our last night!
We left with a nice memory from this village and its people and of course proud of being able to be sponsors of the football team!!! We will grant them with 2 footballs! You should have seen the children! Such an administration! They made a contract for us where we had to sign and they had different roles as accountant, headmaster, treasurer… Very funny!!
To see some pictures of this nice experience click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/27523343@N06/?saved=1

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